Encumbered with a very common name, David writes as Eddy Telviot, which is an anagram of his childrens’ names. They love it!
David very nearly became a mad scientist (and we’re probably all still alive because he didn’t).
Shelving ambitions in Biochemistry and Genetics for another day, he chose to pursue a career in technology and channelled his penchant for science into the realm of fiction.
The first love child of this union is The Stone Thieves and the Honourable Order of Inventors, which launched The Atomverse and forms part of The Fabulous Arrangement of Atoms series.
Its release was expertly timed with a global pandemic and so his meteoric rise to literary stardom is temporarily on hold. Timing is everything. However, The Stone Thieves did reach #1 on Amazon and has been enjoyed by thousands of people around the world.
David lives in God’s Country (Yorkshire, England), with a very tolerant wife, his children and three dogs. When he’s not incubating an endless stream of hairbrained ideas, David can often be found dreaming of sunshine and wishing for far less rain.
David is currently working on book two in the series, The Tricky Devils and the Adams Atom, an audio book of The Stone Thieves and the graphic novel of The CruciBowl with his Aussie bestie, Holly. He’s concocting a gin (The Fabulous Arrangement of Botanical Atoms), as well as an exciting collaboration with visionary Hollywood Director, Neill Blomkamp and Oscar nominated screenwriter, Terri Tatchell. The first part of the project has yielded an Augmented edition of The Stone Thieves using the concept art from the project and is an Amazon #1 bestseller.
There is certainly a lot going on in the Fabulous Atomverse, so watch this space…
My name is so common, there are literally two David Wilsons on my street alone – so much confusion. I needed another plan. My friend Jon suggested an anagram of my children’s names – so from Teddy and Violet we got Eddy Telviot. They love it!
It’s an adventure story about a secret society of inventors (The Few) who have protected a mysterious book for thousands of years. Harbinger Robotics want it! Packed with legends, intrigue, gadgets, epic fights and exotic locations – it’s a SFF rollercoaster ride!
The first book is mainly told from the point of view of Sam, a teenage boy who discovers his family are part of The Few. Sam seems to be a typical boy his age, however he has suffered loss and displacement during his childhood and we soon learn that he just longs to feel part of something. He takes a mysterious summer internship and makes three new friends who are similar in age. Joe, who is slight of frame but stout of mind. Veronique, a girl with a flair for accents and Fedor, a fighter with a perpetual scowl. They are soon plunged into the mysterious world of The Few – and their enemy – The Harbingers.
No, but I think certain characters draw from parts of my personality and those of people I have met along the way.
It’s not. From the Himalayas to the Amazon jungle, it’s quite the globe-trotting affair. Sam and his friends are whisked around the world on their summer of fun and discover some pretty amazing places (and secrets) along the way.
Hmm! Now that would be telling. Stephen King says, “write what you know” and I am a scientist, so a lot of my subject matter is what I call “pseudoscience”. Much of it are simply things and places I wish existed!
Yes! I probably should have “Google” in my Acknowledgement… I did a lot of research in order to make my pseudoscience as plausible as possible, but at a certain point, you just have to let the story flow and forget about the practicalities of everything you create. It was twice as long before I edited out a great deal of “information”.
It is. A potentially vast one – and it includes games and even a comic. I have a huge story arc mapped out and cannot wait to see it unfold. I just hope I find the time to write it all!
Yes, apparently ranging in age from 8 to 78! Friends and family initially. Then friends of friends and now total strangers are reviewing it on Amazon and Goodreads. I’ll be honest, I’m blown away by the feedback – it’s been very positive and humbling. I guess time will tell whether the general sentiment holds, as the sample set of readers hopefully grows.
My father used to have Official Secrets clearance. He once told me that there were so many amazing things which had already been invented but had never seen the light of day. Light bulbs that never burnt out, matches you could strike a hundred times etc. That was the seed. Unfortunately, he passed away quite some time ago, so I was never able to ask him whether any of it was true, but it certainly sparked my imagination, and my story grew from there.
I battle with this one, as I just did my own thing and don’t want to be seen to be standing on anyone else’s shoulders. People who have read the first book have compared it Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Divergent, The Maze Runner and Percy Jackson. My only criteria when writing it was, I did not want to be embarrassed to read to it my children. So, I guess my target audience is anyone with an imagination and who loves a grand adventure!
As a child, Lloyd Alexander, David Eddings, Robert Jordan and Raymond E. Feist. As an adult, Robin Hobb, Joe Abercrombie and Philip Pulman.
Fantasy epics. I love to invest in characters and a world that does not end after one book.
Fantasy, again. I think it takes real talent to not only create a world, but to be able to develop it in such a way that the reader believes it could exist – but for it to not come across as clichéd.
I’ve been reading for as long as I can remember. But I discovered fantasy books when I was around nine. I was given a copy of “The Black Cauldron” by our school librarian.
I started writing short stories when I was seven or eight.
I’ve always loved creating and building things. Words are the best tools I’ve found.
God’s Own Country – Yorkshire.
I run my own IT business.
Yes, married with two children and two dogs.
I wouldn’t say it’s easy. I have to make time, but it greatly depends on work and home commitments. Some days are easier than others. I finished “The Stone Thieves” ten years ago when my wife was pregnant with our first child – I think the impending deadline of “life changing event” spurred me into action!
Not really, it just needs to be quiet. Warm and sunny are a bonus. A dog or two at your feet makes it perfect.
Yes, but not for writing. I started a business in Cambridge in 2002 and was in the paper for that. I’ve then been in a few trade magazines for various other work-related things.
Quite a few rugby and cricket players, when I was younger and I met Sir Clive Woodward once. A few years ago I sat behind Jimmy Carr on a train, but he was on the phone the whole trip, so I’m not sure that counts.
This one is hard to keep short. David Eddings and Robert Jordan, from a writing perspective – mainly to say “thanks”. Nikola Tesla. Sir Christopher Wren! So many to choose from, but they would be top of the “no longer with us” list. Alive… David Walliams. I really admire what he’s done for children’s books. Kevin Feige, J.J Abrams, Neill Blomkamp and Guillermo del Toro for bringing amazing stories to life on screen.
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