Fabulous Atoms

Get ready to dive into a whole new World

The Fabulous Arrangement of Atoms is a series of books, graphic novels (and currently being adapted for TV) by Eddy Telviot.

It’s an adventure story about a secret society of inventors (The Few) who have protected a mysterious book for thousands of years. Harbinger Robotics will stop at nothing to get it!

Set in a world where genetics and science blur the boundaries or reality, this contemporary SFF rollercoaster is packed with legends, intrigue, gadgets, epic fights and exotic locations!

Sam and three new friends are chosen to be trained in forgotten arts by this ancient order, whose existence is shrouded in dark science, marvellous modifications and incredible inventions. It’s the beginning of an epic and relentless adventure that spans the globe.

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the start of something amazing!

I never thought I’d get that “Harry Potter” feeling again and I’m not going to lie, I was sceptical. The cover didn’t grab me and the reviews seemed a little too gushy - some very big names are being thrown around - The Hunger Games, Divergent, The Maze Runner amongst others. All ground-breaking stories that dominated their genre...

But, the comparisons are justified. I was transported into another world and the pages flew by - I genuinely couldn’t put it down. Eddy Telviot is definitely a new kid on the blockbuster block.

Join The Few - you won’t regret it!.


A Wole New World!

Well where do we begin?! I have read this alongside my teenage daughters who are huge ‘Potter Heads’ and fans of both the Hunger Games and Divergent series. This was just up their street and I too have really enjoyed reading this debut novel.

Whilst there are elements of things that we already love (including a bit of Dr. Strange thrown in) this really is a completely new and unique world. The attention to detail and language is mind-blowing. The characters have depth and the journey both across the world and through science is something we have never seen before. This is a must-read for those who crave a mystical-yet-intelligent bit of escapism with strong characters who I hope we will see across many more books in the future. A most excellent debut!


Imaginative and vivid

The Stone Thieves is a traditional childrens’ adventure story with a futuristic twist that I feel will be enjoyed by teenagers and adults alike. There are flavours of Lord of The Rings, The Hunger Games, The Maze Runner, The Night Circus and Harry Potter but make no mistake; this is a unique book in its own right. The world building really drew me in. It was imaginative and vivid with lots of recognisable ‘real world elements’ which helped me as a reader connect to the story. You can tell the author has a keen interest in science as the inventions and creations are plentiful and beyond the realms of most humble imaginations.

The characters are well drawn and the fact the main group are teens, shone through brilliantly. Their naivety at times, and curiosity at others gave them added dimensions, as did the banter between Sam and friends. Overall, fans of science fiction and fantasy will love this book - I’m pleased to see the author has more novels planned

(I for one can’t imagine where he’ll take us next).